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Section I Use of English


Reading the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered black and mark A,B,C or D onthe ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

Your social life is defined as the activities you do with other people,for pleasure,when you are notworking.It is important to have a social life,but what is right for one person won't be right for another.Some of us feel energized by spending lots of time with others,_1_some of us may feel drained,even ifit's doing something we enjoy.

This is why finding a__2_in your social life is key.Spending too much time on your own,not__3_others,can make you feel lonely and_4_.lomeliness is known to impact on your mental health and_5_a low mood.Anyone can feel lonely at any time.This might be especially true if,__6__,you are workingfrom home and you are __7__on the social conversations that happen in the office.Other life changes also_8_periods of loneliness too,such as retirement,changing a job or becoming a parent.

It's important to recognize feelings or loneliness.There are ways to __9___a social life.But it can feeloverwhelming __10.You can then find groups and activities related to those where you will be able tomeet__11__people.There are groups aimed at new parents,at those who want to_12_a new sport forthe first time or networking events for those in the same profession to meet up and __13_ideas.

On the other hand,it is__14_possible to have too much of a social life.If you feel like you're alwaysdoing something and there is never any __15_in your calendar for downtime,you could suffer socialbunout or social _16_.We all have our own social limit and it's important to recognize when you'refeeling like it's all too much.Low mood,low energy,irritability and trouble sleeping could all be_17ofpoor social health.Make sure you _18__some time in your diary when you're _19_for socialising anduse this time to relax,__20__and recover.





5.A.contribute toB.rely onC.interfere withD.go against

6.A.in factB.of courseC.for examplsD,on average

7.A.cutting backB.missing outC.breaking inD.looking down



10.at firstB.in turnC.on timeD.by chance








18.A.take overB.wipe offC,add upD.mark out



Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark youranswers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)

Text 1

Anger over AI's role in exacerbating inequality could endanger the technology's future.In her new bookCogs and Monsters:What Economics Is,and What It Should Be,Diane Coyle,an economist at CambridgeUnivcrsity,argues that the digital economy requires new ways of thinking about progress."Whatever wemean by the economy growing,by things getting better,the gains will have to be more evenly shared than inthe recent past,"she writes."An economy of tech millionaires or billionaires and gig workers,withmiddle-income jobs undercut by automation,will not be politically sustainable."

Improving living standards and increasing prosperity for more people will require greater use of digitaltechnologies to boost productivity in various sectors,including health care and construction,says Coyle.Butpeople can't be expected to embrace the changes if they're not seeing the benefits—if they're just seeinggood jobs being destroyed.

In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review,Coyle said she fears that tech's inequality problemcould be a roadblock to deploying AI."We're talking about disruption,"she says."These are transformative

technologies that change the ways we spend our time every day,that change business models that succeed.”To make such 'tremendous changes,"she adds,you need social buy-in.

Instead,says Coyle,resentment is simmering among many as the benefits are perceived to go to elites ina handful of prosperous cities.

According to the Brookings Institution,a short list of eight American cities that included San Francisco,San Jose,Boston,and Seattle had roughly 38%of all tech jobs by 2019.New AI technologies areparticularly concentrated:Brookings's Mark Muro and Sifan Liu estimate that just 15 cities account fortwo-thirds of the AI assets and capabilities in the United States(San Francisco and San Jose alone accountfor about one-quarter).

The dominance of a few cities in the invention and commercialization of AI means that geographicaldisparities in wealth will continue to soar.Not only will this foster political and social unrest,but it could,asCoyle suggests,hold back the sorts of AI technologies needed for regional economies to grow.

Part of the solution could lie in somehow loosening the stranglehold that Big Tech has on defining theAI agenda.That will likely take increased federal funding for research independent of the tech giants.Muroand others have suggested hefty federal funding to help create US regional innovation centers,for example.

A more immediate response is to broaden our digital imaginations to conceive of AI technologies thatdon't simply replace jobs but expand opportunities in the sectors that different parts of the country care mostabout,like health care,education,and manufacturing.

21.Coyle argues that economie growth should_

A.give rise to innovations

B.diversity career choices

C.benefit people equally

D.be promoted forcedly

22.In Paragraph 2,digital technologies should be used to.


A.bring about instant prosperity

B.reduce people's workload

C.raisc ovcrall work cfficicncy

D.enhance cross-sector cooperation

23.What does Coyle fear about transformative technologics?

A.They may affect work-life balance.

B.They may be impractical to deploy.

C.They may incur huge expenditure.

D.They may unwelcome to public.

24.Several cities are mentioned to

A.the uneven distribution of Al technology in US

B.disappointing prospect of jobs in US

C.fast progress of US regional economics

D.increasing significance of US AI assets

25.With regard to concern,the author suggest________.

A.raising funds to start new AI projects

B.encouraging collaboration in AI research

C.guarding against side effects

D.redefine the role ofAI

Text 2

The UK is facing a future construction crisis because of a failure to plant trees to produce wood,Conforhas warned.The forestry and wood trade body has called for urgent action to reduce the country's relianceon timber imports and provide a stable supply of wood for future generations.Currently only 20 percent ofthe UK's wood requirement is home-grown while it remains the sccond-largest net importer of timber in theworld.

Coming at a time of fresh incentives from the UK government for landowners to grow more trees,thetrade body says these don't go far enough and fail to promote the benefits of planting them to boost timbersupplies.“Not only are we facing a carbon crisis now,but we will also be facing a future construction crisisbecause of failure to plant trees to produce wood."said Stuart Goodall,chief executive of Confor."Fordecades we have not taken responsibility for investing in our domestic wood supply,leaving us exposed tofluctuating prices and fighting for future supplies of wood as global demand rises and our own supplies fall."

The UK has ideal conditions for growing wood to build low-carbon homes and is a global leader incertifying that its forests are sustainably managed,Confor says.While around three quarters of Scottishhomes are built from Scottish timber,the use of home-grown wood in England is only around 25 percent.

While productive tree planting can deliver real financial benefits to rural economies and contribute to theUK's net-zero strategy,the focus of government support continues to be on food production and therewinding and planting of native woodland solely for biodiversity.Goodall add:“While food productionand biodiversity are clearly of critical importance,we need our land to also provide secure supplies of woodfor construction,manufacturing and contribute to net zero.

“While the UK govemment has stated its ambition for more tree planting,there has been little action onthe ground."Confor is now calling for much greater impetus bchind those aspirations to ensure we haveenough wood to meet increasing demand."

26.It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that UK need to____.

A.increase domestic wood supply

B.reduce demand for timber

C.lower wood production costs

D.lift control on timber imports

27.According to Confor,UK government fresh incentives______.

A.can hardly address construction crisis

B.are believed to come at wrong time

C.seem to be misleading

D.too costly to put into practice

28.The UK exposure to fuctuating wood prices is the result of________.

A.government's inaction on timber import

B.inadequate investment for wood

C.competition among traders at home

D.wood producers'motive to maximize profits

29.Which of following causes the shortage of wood supply?

A.excessive timber consumption in construction

B.unfavorable conditions in UK

C.outdated technology for wood production

D.farmers'unwillingness to plan trees

30.What does Goodall think US government should do?

A.Subsidize the building

B.Pay attention to rural economy

C.Provide support for tree planting

D.Give priority to pursue net-zero strategy

Text 3

One big challenge in keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road is convincing them that it is time to tumover the key.It is a complete life-changer when someone stops-or is forced to stop -driving,said formerrisk manager Anne M.Menke.

The American Medical Association advises physicians that in situation where clear evidence ofsubstantial driving impairment implies a strong threat to patient and public safety,and where the physician'sadvice to discontinue driving privileges is ignored,it is desirable and ethical to notify the Department ofMotor Vehicles,Menke wrote."Some states require physicians to report,others allow but do not mandatereports,while a few consider a report breach of confidentiality.There could be liability and penalties if aphysician does not act in accordance with state laws on reporting and confidentiality "she counseled.

Part of the problem in keeping older drivers safe is that the difficulties are addressed piccemeal bydifferent professions with different focuses,including gerontologists,highway administration officials,automotive engineers and others,said gerontologist Elizabeth Dugan."There's not a National Institute ofOlder Driver Studies,"she said."We need better evidence on what makes drivers unsafe"and what can help,said Dugan

One thing that does seem to work is requiring drivers to report in person for license renewal.Mandatoryin-person renewal was associated with a 31 percent reduction in fatal crashes involving drivers 85 or older,according to one study.Passing vision tests also produced a similar decline in fatal crashes for those drivers,although there appeared to be no benefit from combining the two.

Many old drivers don't see eye doctors or can't afford to.Primary care providers have their hands fulland may not be able to follow through with patients who have trouble driving because they can't turn theirheads or remember where they are going—or have gotten shorter and haven't changed their seat settingssufficiently to reach car pedals easily,

As long as there are other cars on the roads,self-driving cars won't solve the problems of crashes,saidDugan.Avoiding dangers posed by all those human drivers would require to many algorithms,she said.Butwe need to do more to improve safety,said Dugan."If we're going to have 100-year lives,we need cars thata 90-year-old can drive comfortably."

31.Aecording to Paragraphl,keeping unsafe aging drivers off the road_ .

A.is a ncw safety measure

B.has become a disputed issue

C.can be a tough task to complete

D.will be beneficial to their health

32.The American medical associations advice_ .

A.has won support from drivers

B.is generally considered unrealistic

C.is wide dismissed as unnecessary

D.has met with different responses

33.According to Dugan,efforts to keep older drivers safe.

A.have brought about big changes

B.necd to be well coordinatedChave gained public concerm

D.call for relevant legal support

34.Some older drivers have trouble driving because they tend to_ .

A.stick with bad driving habits

B.have a weakened memory

C.suffer from chronic pains

D.neglect car maintenance

35.Dugan thinks that the solution to the problems of crashes may lie in__

A.npgrading self-driving vehicle

B.developing senior-friendly cars

C.renovating transport facilities

D.adjusting the age limit for drivers

Text 4

The miracle of the Chesapeake Bay lies not in its depths,but in the complexity of its naturalconstruction,the interaction of fresh and saline waters,and the mix of land and water.The shallowsprovide homes for hundreds of species while storing floodwaters,filtering pollutants from water,and protecting nearby communities from potentially destructive storm surges.

All this was put at great risk late last month,when the U.S.Supreme Court issued a ruling in anidaho case that provides the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)far less authority toregulate wetlands and waterways.Specifically,a 5-4 majority decided that wetlands protected bythe EPA under its Clean Water Act authority must have a "continuous surface connection"to bodiesof water.This narrowing of the regulatory scope was a victory for builders,mining operators andother commereial interests often at odds with environmental rules.And it carries "significantrepereussions for water quality and flood control throughout the United States,"as Justice BrettKavanaugh observed.

In Maryland,the good news is that there are many state laws in place that provide wetlandsprotections.But that's a very shortsighted view,particularly when it comes to the Chesapeake Bay.The reality is that water,and the pollutants that so often come with it,don't respeet stateboundaries.The Chesapeake draws from a 64,000-square-mile watershed that extends into Virginia,Pennsylvania,New York,West Virginia,the District of Columbia and Delaware.Will thosejurisdictions extend the same protections now denied under Sackettv.EPA?Perhaps some,but all?That seems unlikely.

It is too easy,and misleading,to see such court rulings as merely standing up for the rights ofland owners when the consequences can be so dire for their neighbors.And it's a reminder that theEPA's involvement in the ChesapeakeBay Program has long been crucial as the means to transcendthe influence of deep-pocketed special interests in neighboring states.Pennsylvania farmers,to useone telling example,aren't thinking about next year's blue erab harvest in Maryland when theydecide whether to sprend animal waste on their fields,yet the runoff into nearby creeks can haveenormous impact downstream.

And so we would eall on state lawmakers from Richmond to Albany to consider reviewing theirown wetlands protections and see for themselves the enormous stakes involved.We can offer thema visit to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County where bald engles fly overtidal marshes so shallow you could not paddle a boat across them but teaming with aquatie life.It'sworth the scenic drive.

36.A.the prevalence of health apps

37.A.Its coverage needs to be extended.

38.Before sharing its users'health information,Flo Health is required to___.

A.seek the approval of the FTC

B.find qualified third parties

C.remove irrelevant personal data

D.obtain their explicit permission

39.What challenges is the FTC currently faced with?

A.The complexity of health information.

B.The rapid increase in new health apps.

C.The subtle deceptiveness of health apps.

D.The difficulty in assessing consumer harm.

40.D.has gained legislative support in some states

Part B


Read the following text and match each of the numbered items in the left column to its correspondinginformation in the right column.There are two extra choices in the right column.Mark your answers on theANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

High school students eager to stand out in the college application process often participate in a litany ofextracurricular activities hoping to bolster their chances of admission a selective undergraduate institution.

However,college admissions experts say that the quality of a college hopeful's extracurricular activitiesmatter more than the number of activities.he or she participates in.

Sue Rexford,the director of college guidance at the Charles.E.Smith Jewish Day School,says it is notnecessary for a student,filling out the Common Application to list lo activities in the application.

“No”college will expect that a students has a huge laundry list of extracurriculars that they have beenpassionately involved in each for an tended period of time,"Rexfon d wrote in an email.

Experts say it is toughen to distinguish oneself in a school-affiliated extracurricular activity that iscommon among high school students than it is to stand out while doing an uncommon activity.

The competition to stand out and make an impact is going to be much stiffer,and so if they 're going todo a popular activity,Id say,be the best at it."says Sara Harherson,a college admission consultant.

High school students who have an impressive personal project they are working on independently oftenimpress colleges,experts say.

"For example,a student with an interest in entrepreneurship could demonstrate skills and potential bystarting a profitable small business."Olivia Valdes,the founder or Zen Admissions consulting firm,wrote inan email

Josoph Adegboyega—Edun,a Maryland High school guidance counselor,says unconventional,extracurricular activities can help students,impress college admissions offices,assuming they demonstrated,serious commitment."Again,since one of the big question.high school seniors muse consider is"Whatmakes you unique?"having an uncommon,extracurricular activity,a conventional one is an advantage,"hewrote in an email.

Experts say demonstrating talent in at lcast one extracurricular activity can help in the collegeadmissions process,especially at top-tier undergraduate institutions.

"Distinguishing yourself in one focused type of extracurricular activity can be a positive in theadmissions process,especially for highly selective institutions,where having top grades and test scores isnot enough,"Katie Kelley admissions counselor at Ivy Wise admissions consullancy,wrote in anemail.“Students need to have that quality or hook that will appeal to admissions officers and allow them tovisualize how the student might come and enrich their campus community."

Extracurricular activities related to the college major declared on a college application are beneficial,experts suggest."If you already know your major,having an extracurricular that fits into that major can be abig plus,"says Mayghin Levine,the manager of educational opportunities with The Cabhage PatchSettlement House,a Louisville,Kentucky,nonprofit community center.

High school students who have had a strong positive influence on their community through anextracurricular activity may impress a college and win a scholarship,says Erica Gwyn,a former math andscience magnet program assistant at a publie high school who is now executive director of the KaleidoscopeCareers Academy in Atlanta,a nonprofit organization.

41.Sue Rexford

42.Sara Harberson

43.Katie Kelley

44.Mayghin Levine

45.Erica Gwyn




A.Students who stand out in a specific extracurricular activity will be favored by top-tier institutions.

B.Students whose extracurricular activity has benefited their community are likely to win a scholarship.

C.Undertaking too many extracurricular activities will hardly be seen as a plus by colleges.

D.Student who exhibits activity in doing business can impress colleges.

E.High school students participating in popular activity should excel in it.

F.Engaging in uncommon activity can demonstrate Students'determination and dedication.

G.It is advisable for students to choose an extracurricular activity that is related to their future study atcollege.

Section III Translation


In this section there is a text in English.Translate the following text into Chinese.Write your translationon the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

With the smell of coffee and fresh bread floating in the air,stalls bursting with colourful vegetables andtempting cheese,and the buzz of friendly chats,farmers'markets are a feast for the senses.They alsoprovide an opportunity to talk to the people responsible for growing or raising your food,support your localeconomy and pick up fresh seasonal produce …-all at the same time.

Farmers'markets are usually weekly or monthly events,most often with outdoor stalls,which allowsfarmers or producers to sell their food directly to customers.The size or regularity of markets can vary fromseason to season,depending on the area's agriculture calendar,and you are likely to find different produceon sale at diferent times of the year.By cutting out the middlemen,the farmers secure more profit for theirproduce.Shoppers also benefit from seeing exactly where---and to who their money is going.




Section IV Writing

Part A


Suppose you and Jack are going to do a survey on the protection of old houses in an ancient town.Write himan email to

1)put forward your plan,and

2)ask for opinion.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name.Use "Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.(10 points)








Dear Jack,

Li Ming






Dear Jack,

Considering the old houses in ancient towns are in urgent need of protection,it is high time that weshould put forward a plan to address this pressing problem.I am writing the email to share the planwith you and ask for your opinion.

As far as I am concerned,the following factors should be considered in advance.Firstly,I'd liketo highlight that it should be be held in an ancient town and volunteers should be recruited.In addition,it

must be pointed out that some questionnaires from the Internet will be collected so as to provide publicopinions for the discussion.Since you are international student,we really value your opinions.If youcould offer your opinion,it would be highly appreciated.

I am willing to discuss with all of you about this arrangement in detail and if there are any goodsuggestions and proposals,please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B


Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should

1)interpret the chart,and

2)give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)






























As is vividly revealed in the bar chart,some noticeable difference have taken place in terms of themain harvest of students in labor practice activity classes in a certain university.Aceording to the figuresprovided by the graph,one can see that learning the relevant knowledge and improving labor capacity arethe largest among all the categories,accounting for91.3%and 84.8%.Then come feeling good.oceupying 54.4%.And enhancing cooperation capacity has the smallest share,only taking up 32.6%.

It is of no difficulty to come up with some possible factors for the situation.Firstly,labor relatedknowledee and capacity play an significant role in labor practice activity classes and many studentsconsider it to be indispensable to their scores.Secondly,we must admit that this tendency also has a lotto do with the turning of students'attitude.Cooperation capacity was once seen as a essential purposein the class.Today,however,things are changing and an inereasing number of students realize thatrclevant knowledec is the most important factor.

As far as I am concerned,the labor practice activity classes is beneficial for college students.Therefore,students should attach importance to labor knowledge and take practical actions to improvetheir labor capacity.


Section I Use of English

1.【答案】C whereas

2.【答案】B balance

3.【答案】A seeing

4.【答案】D disconnected

5.【答案】A contribute to

6.【答案】C for example

7.【答案】B missing out

8.【答案】B trigger

9.【答案】D regain

10.【答案】A at first

11.【答案】D like-minded

12.【答案】A try

13.【答案】B share

14.【答案】C also

15.【答案】C space

16.【答案】A fatigue

17.【答案】C signs

18.【答案】D mark out

19.【答案】B unavailable


Section IIReading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21.【答案】[C] benefit people equally

22.【答案】[C] raise overall work efficiency

23.【答案】[A] They may affect work-life balance

24.【答案】[A] the uneven distribution of Al technologies in the US

25.【答案】[D] redefininf the role of Al technologies

Text 2

26.【答案】[A] increase its domestic wood supply

27.【答案】[A] can hardly address a construction crisis

28.【答案】[B] inadequate investment in growing wood

29.【答案】[D] farmers’unwillingness to plant trees

30.【答案】[C] provide more support for productive tree planting

Text 3

31.【答案】[B] He is popular with users of an AI art generator

32.【答案】[C] make unauthorized use of online images

33.【答案】[C] AI-generated work bearing his name

34.【答案】[C] strengthen their relationship with AI users.

35.【答案】[A] Artists’responses to Al art generation.

Text 4

36.【答案】A the prevalence of health apps

37.【答案】A Its coverage needs to be extended

38.【答案】Dobtain their explicit permission

39.【答案】Bthe rapid increase in new health apps

40.【答案】D has gained legislative support in some statesPart B

41.【答案】【C】Undertaking too many…

42.【答案】【E】High school students…

43.【答案】【A】Students who stand…

44.【答案】【G】lt is advisable for …

45.【答案】【B】Students whose extracurricular…

Section lI Translation (15 points)



Section IV Writing (25 points)

Part A (10 points)

【參考范文】Dear Jack,

Profusely delighted to conduct a survey with you,which is my greatprivilege. l am writing to introduce some information referring to my plan.

The details are as follows. To start with, what the survey includes are

a host of projects like browsng ne o1nermeasures. Tohouses in the town and holding a debate on protection countermeasures. To

continue, it is due to the importance ana the nean.ginoin1desire to call on Professor Smith, who is an expert in this field.

l would be much obliged if you offered me some of your opinions atyour earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Part B (15 points)【參考范文】

Illustrated in the bar chart is a survey result of benefits of students__labor practice classes in a certain university. To be specific,acquiringknowledge makes up the largest proportion,accounting for 91.3%,followed by raising labor abilities,obtaining cheerful moods andenhancingcooperative capabilitiesat84.8%,54.4% and 32.6% respectively.

Some elements may be responsible for the tendency aforementioned.For one thing,there exist an emerging body of individuals who tend topartake in labor practice classes, on the grounds that not only can itcontribute to personal growth physically and emotionally but can promotecommunity harmony. For another, practical abilities are to college studentswhat water is to fish. In the absence of them, they would be refused by thechallenging society,which helps explain why people prefer to domeaningful and valuable things.

All the factors taken into account,I nourish the perspective that thephenomenon appears highly prevalent at present and will rise in continuitywithin the foreseeable future. I am fully convinced that there will be a timewhen each student could make the best of their college time.







