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  You polished your resume and got a jobinterview. You researched the company. Youpracticed answering questions about yourexperiences in front of a mirror. You really want thisjob, and you do possess the qualifications necessaryto do it. But you still can't shake that feeling ofnervousness or get rid of the butterflies in yourstomach. You are not alone; many of us feel anxietybefore interviews, especially in today's competitivejob market. Here are ways you can alleviate youranxiety and have a good interview.


  Be Prepared


  You need to be prepared, but get prepared the night before your interview. Have your clothingpicked out and ready. Have any materials (such as a portfolio) ready the night before. Thisway, you avoid the last-minute rushing around that will exacerbate your anxiety andpotentially affect your behavior during the interview. And remember to get enough sleep thenight before.



  What You Eat Matters


  You have to eat something or you will get light-headed. You may also become embarrassedwhen your stomach starts growling while you are waxing eloquent about youraccomplishments. Eat something. Hunger may increase anxiety because it is physicallyuncomfortable and adds to your worries.


  At the same time, avoid heavy meals just before an interview. A heavy meal is likely to makeyou sluggish and sleepy. Your best bet is to have something light shortly before the interviewso you have energy and are alert. If you take care of yourself this way, you are more likely tobe relaxed and in the right mindset for a good interview.


  It probably goes without saying that you should not drink alcohol to "relax" yourself before aninterview. Alcohol releases inhibitions and may cause you to behave in an inappropriatemanner. There is also research indicating that drinking caffeine increases anxiety and panicattacks. Instead of coffee or caffeinated soda, have some herbal tea before your interview.


  Slow Down


  Slow down. Get to the interview a little early, and have time to freshen up, sit and breathebefore meeting the interviewer.


  You can't force yourself to relax, and trying to will likely make you more anxious and tense.Don't judge yourself in a harsh manner; rather, be compassionate with yourself about thefact that you anxious. Then, take a deep breath and give yourself a little pep talk as youbreathe and see if you can let some of that go.
