an elegy ii
yuan zhen
we joked, long ago, about one of us dying,
but suddenly, before my eyes, you are gone.
almost all your clothes have been given away;
your needlework is sealed, i dare not look at it....
i continue your bounty to our men and our maids --
sometimes, in a dream, i bring you gifts.
...this is a sorrow that all mankind must know --
but not as those know it who have been poor together.
昔日戲言身后事, 今朝都到眼前來。
衣裳已施行看盡, 針線猶存未忍開。
尚想舊情憐婢仆, 也曾因夢送錢財。
誠知此恨人人有, 貧賤夫妻百事哀。
an evening view of the city of youzhou after
coming from hankou to parrot island a poem sent
to my friend governor yuan
liu changqing
no ripples in the river, no mist on the islands,
yet the landscape is blurred toward my friend in chu....
birds in the slanting sun cross hankou,
and the autumn sky mingles with lake dongting.
...from a bleak mountain wall the cold tone of a bugle
reminds me, moored by a ruined fort,
that jia yi's loyal plea to the house of han
banned him to changsha, to be an exile.
汀洲無浪復無煙, 楚客相思益渺然。
漢口夕陽斜渡鳥, 洞庭秋水遠連天。
孤城背嶺寒吹角, 獨戍臨江夜泊船。
賈誼上書憂漢室, 長沙謫去古今憐。
on passing jia yi's house in changsha
liu changqing
here, where you spent your three years' exile,
to be mourned in chu ten thousand years,
can i trace your footprint in the autumn grass --
or only slanting sunlight through the bleak woods?
if even good emperor wen was cold-hearted,
could you hope that the dull river xiang would understand you,
these desolate waters, these taciturn mountains,
when you came, like me, so far away?
三年謫宦此棲遲, 萬古惟留楚客悲。
秋草獨尋人去后, 寒林空見日斜時。
漢文有道恩猶薄, 湘水無情吊豈知?
寂寂江山搖落處, 憐君何事到天涯?
an early audience at the palace of light
harmonizing secretary jia zhi's poem
cen can
cock-crow, the purple road cold in the dawn;
linnet songs, court roofs tinted with april;
at the golden gate morning bell, countless doors open,
and up the jade steps float a thousand officials
with flowery scabbards.... stars have gone down;
willows are brushing the dew from the flags --
and, alone on the lake of the phoenix, a guest
is chanting too well the song of bright spring.
雞鳴紫陌曙光寒, 鶯囀皇州春色闌。
金闕曉鐘開萬戶, 玉階仙仗擁千官。
花迎劍佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。
獨有鳳凰池上客, 陽春一曲和皆難。