My Tutor's a Flutist
My tutor's a flutist
who toots on a flute
while he tutors computers.
He thinks that it's cute.
I think he should stick with
computers, not flutes.
It's cool when he tutors
but rude when he toots.
The Marvelous Homework and Housework Machine
Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
will always makes sure that your bedroom is clean.
It loves to write book reports ten pages long,
then put all your toys away where they belong.
This wonderful gadget will do all your math,
then mop up your messes and go take your bath.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
is truly like no other gizmo you've seen.
It hangs up your clothes on their hangers and hooks,
then reads all your boring geography books.
It brings you a pillow to give you a rest,
then brushes your teeth and prepares for your test.
This thing is amazing. I'm sure you'll agree.
It feeds you dessert while you're watching T.V.
There's only one thing this device will not do.
It won't eat your Brussels sprouts; they're, like, P.U.
My Project for the Science Fair
My project for the Science Fair
was absolutely cool.
I built myself a time machine
and showed it off at school.
Inventing it was not too hard;
I had a little aid.
My future self came back in time
and showed me how they're made.
I Bought My Mom an Apple
I bought my mom an apple
but it wasn't red or green;
it was more like bluish-purple
or some color in-between.
I wouldn't call the blueberries
I bought her very blue;
they were rather reddish-orange
like a dark vermilion hue.
The oranges I got for her
weren't orange as you'd think;
they were turquoise on the inside
and the outer peels were pink.
The strawberries I purchased
weren't particularly red;
They were white with purple polka dots
and silver stripes instead.
I got all these by shopping
where I'd never shopped before.
That's the last time I buy groceries
at the Rainbow Grocery Store!