The more years you spend in full-time education, themore short-sighted you are likely to be, according toa large UK study.
The link appears to be that students have too littleexposure to bright natural light -- and the antidotesuggested by the researchers is for children to spendmore of the day outdoors.
The study, carried out by Cardiff and Bristol university scientists, analysed information on thegenetics, eyesight and educational background of 68,000 participants in the UK Biobankdatabase.
The findings, published in the BMJ, imply that a graduate who spent 17 years in education ison average one dioptre more short-sighted that someone who left school at the age of 16 afterspending 12 years in education.
That deterioration is equivalent to the difference between having perfect vision and needingglasses to drive safely.
"With the rapid rise in the global prevalence of myopia and its vision-threateningcomplications, together with the economic burden of visual loss, the findings of this study haveimportant implications for educational practices," said Jez Guggenheim, of Cardiff University'sSchool of Optometry and Vision Sciences.
Using Biobank data, the Bristol and Cardiff scientists analysed 44 genetic variants associatedwith risk of myopia and 69 variants associated with time spent in education.
They found that while the number of years at school and college strongly influenced eyesight, there was no effect in the opposite direction: propensity to myopia did not lead people toremain in education for longer.
The University of New Hampshire will become thefirst state university in the U.S. to accept the Gaokao -- a standard Chinese entrance exam similar to theSAT -- in an effort to attract more foreign students.
During of the 2015-2016 school year, almost 330,000 Chinese students were studying in the U.S., the largest number of any foreign country, and thatfigure is thought be closer to 375,000 for theacademic year that just ended.
Gaokao literally means High Exam. It refers to the annual National Higher Education EntranceExam in China, similar in format to the SAT in the United States.
Millions of Chinese high school seniors who sit through this highly competitive multi-subjectexams each year see it as a life-defining moment.
Graduates who make it into top universities often end up in top companies and with goodcareers. Those who fail to enter university are often condemned to a life with little prospects.
There are already many universities in Canada, England and other countries who accept theresults of the Gaokao.