A: Mark’s no fraidy cat and no one could ever call him a chicken, but the other night something scared him and had him shaking in his boots.
B: What made him so scared?
A: They dared him to stay the night in the haunted house; he met something that made him jump out of his skin.
B: Wow! It must have been a very scary noise.
A: Markkebushi膽小鬼,從來沒有人說他是孬種,但是那天晚上他可真被嚇慘了,雙腿直打哆嗦。
B: 是什么把他嚇成那樣?
A: 人家激他敢不敢再鬼屋住一個(gè)晚上;他遇到了什么東西,嚇得他魂飛魄散。
B: 哇!那一定是很恐怖的聲響!
fraidy cat: 膽小鬼。
a chicken: 形容膽小的人。
shaking in one’s boots: 形容某人處于極度的恐懼之中,以至于身體在不停地顫抖。
jump out of one’s skin: 形容人極度驚訝或害怕,似乎到了靈魂出竅的程度。
A: Jane’s hair stands on end every time she hears about a plane crash.
B: That’s why she’s so uptight and freezes when she flies.
A: She’s in such a cold sweat that her hubby has to hold her hand to keep her from freaking out.
B: She loses it at every sudden noise and sits there shaking like a bowl of Jell-O when the plane takes off and lands.
A: Jane一聽到墜機(jī)的事情就嚇得汗毛直立。
B: 這就為什么她一坐飛機(jī)就緊張不安,嚇得渾身僵冷。
A: 她嚇得直冒冷汗,她老公之后握住她的手,怕她嚇壞。
B: 有一點(diǎn)兒突如其來的響動(dòng)她就表現(xiàn)失常,飛機(jī)起降的時(shí)候她會(huì)嚇得抖個(gè)不停。
one’s hair stands on end: 嚇得汗毛直立。
uptight: 緊張不安的,神經(jīng)過敏的。
freeze: 嚇呆。
in a cold sweat: 由于驚嚇或者害怕而出了一身的冷汗。sweat,汗。
freak out: 變得極其焦躁不安或嚇得要死。
lose it: 這里指的是失掉了鎮(zhèn)靜,無法冷靜下來。
shake like a bowl of Jell-O: 嚇得抖個(gè)不停。Jell-O,果凍。