關(guān)于畢業(yè)季的英語美文:Graduation and moving on畢業(yè)并繼續(xù)前進(jìn)
At least once a year, there are a lot of graduations.
It’s a time when a lot of people move on,
from where they were, to another school or another class,
or out into a real world.
To graduate means to take a step forward, to move onward.
I can remember my high school graduation,
my graduation from university,
and even my graduation from graduated school.
Each of those graduations was nice.
I took pictures, I got flowers, I hug my parents.
I had the motions to moving on, I want to stay and have more fun.
But I also want to move on.
When we hear the word graduation, we naturally think of graduating from school.
But I think it’s possible to graduate from different places, or stages in life.
I worked in a company in New York for about three years.
In one point I felt I couldn’t learn anything else from the company,
where the people I was working with.
Then I had hit a ceiling, I felt that was time to move on.
The way that I describe that moving on is a graduation.
Some times we are thrown out into the world or to the next level,
whether we are ready or not.
Other times we get the truth when we want to move on.
I have experienced both.
I preferred the second one, where I have a choice,
I like the truth when and how, but we don’t always get what we want,
since we can learn from every experience that we have,
each experience can be a stepping stone for us to be better people.
I know that I take lessons with me every time I graduated,
but some times I can be a slow learner.
I wonder when my next graduation is going to be.
關(guān)于畢業(yè)季的英語美文:又一年畢業(yè)季 大學(xué)同學(xué)聚會你參加嗎?
As the fifth-year college reunion approaches, we have been looking forward to it with equal parts excitement and unease.
Of course there's the enjoyment of reuniting with friends who now live all over the globe, and the chance to relive some of the messy fun of college. But the formal reminder of time passed also presents an opportunity to evaluate life decisions over the past few years, which carries the risk of regret and insecurity from comparing yourself to others' formidable achievements.
Reunions shortly after college are particularly popular, followed by a dip around the 15-year reunion mark. During this time, graduates often seem to be under family or career stress and struggle to make the commitment.
Then 25th-year reunion which marks a shift from previous reunions, during which alumni are more focused on their careers.
There's a point around that age where people want to start to re-engage their minds intellectually. It’s also a time when people are more settled in their lives. They've raised family, built a strong career, and so they're ready to re-engage back with some of their memories.
By the 25th reunion, everybody's experienced something hard. They've had loss, disappointment, their path didn't go the way they thought it was going to go. As people get older, they start to get it—that life is about much more than their title or what they're making.
But while our perspectives on what matters in life may change, college friendships stay intact, even after classmates go decades without seeing each other.
關(guān)于畢業(yè)季的英語美文:畢業(yè)逆襲 十招自我升級獲正能量!
1.Keep Building and Maintaining Your Friendships
Making friends after college is hard, but meaningful friendships make a big difference on almost every aspect of your life for decades to come. So make an effort to stay in touch with the friends closest to you now and make new friends even as you get busy with work。
2.Know How to Brand Your “Useless” College Degree
Not everyone graduates with one of the best-paying degrees. If yours is among those with the worst return on your money, not all hope is lost. During your job search, even a “useless” degree can be shown as valuable。
3.Start Cooking for Real
Given the tiny (or nonexistent) kitchens most college students deal with and perhaps too much prior assistance from Mom & Dad restaurant, cooking isn’t a skill universal to college grads. Pick up some essential kitchen skills, learn how to make some basic meals and still stay within your food budget, and brush up on other top cooking tips you should know。
4.Figure Out If Grad School Is Worth It
If you’re graduating college and still don’t know what to do next, graduate school is an option. Figure out which graduate degrees are worth the debt and find out if graduate school might be worth it for you。
5.Find the Best Place to Live
After college, you have the freedom to go anywhere. You might want to stay where you are or move back to your hometown, which is fine too, but if you’re considering where to head to find a new job, check out our roundup of tips for finding the best place to live. If you do move to a new area, here’s how to easily settle down there—even if it’s an expensive city and you’ve got a limited budget。
6.Get Your Money in Order
Once out of college, your financial picture will probably change. Maybe you have student loans and other debt to deal with, no more support from your parents, and income that you have to budget。
Also, even though retirement might seem like a distant, vague event, now’s the best time to start investing for your retirement, even if you can put just a little aside。
7.Work on Gaining Additional Skills
You can become more hireable by developing additional skills, whether it’s a new language,HTML, or any other skill valued in the workplace. It could not only broaden your job and career options, learning new skills can boost your brain and make you happier. Never stop learning。
8.Deal with Those Student Loans
Huge student loan debt can be overwhelming, but there are several ways you can pay it off more easily or even get the loan paid off by your employer. Working in a rural opportunity zone is another option. Missing one student loan payment isn’t the end of the world, but you should be proactive in keeping up with your payments or else your credit can really get ruined and worse。
9. Prepare for Your First Job
You might have held jobs in college, but once you’ve got your diploma in hand, it’s time to completely dive into the work you want to do. Learn how to ace your job interview and create a great resume。
Even though you might not have a ton of relevant work experience to put on the resume, you can still beef up your resume by adding personal projects on it. Once you land the job, learn the basics of navigating your first job: stay organized and never miss your deadlines, pay attention to the company culture, and more. Don’t get too wooed by your employer, however—remember that the company you work for is not your friend。
10. Think beyond Work
Your career might be your main focus as you leave college, but remember that work isn’t everything either (and you don’t want to burn out)。
Go see the world, even on a budget or for free. Go on dates. Keep up your own creative side projects. Challenge yourself to see the world in new ways. (Yes, take the commencement speech to heart。) Life is like a video game, so spend your time and energy in the most important areas。
Congrats to all the grads!