新東方考博英語范文:Do Modern People Become Lonelier
Although Chinese people have gradually becomewealthy more or less due to the reform and opening-up policy,they have oftentimes been troubled bya lack of friends that they can take into theirconfidence. This observation manifests itselfmost vividly in a line cited from the movie.If You Arethe One,that is,“Ido not lack money butfriends”.Ironically,in the cell phone contact list of an average person,the number of cellphone numbers may reach a couple of hundreds.One can not help wondering if modern peoplebecome lonelier than before.Personally,I hold the opinion that modern people do becomelonelier than before.
Firstly,due to the urbanizing process at an unprecedented speed,the society becomes moremobile,for more and more people migrate from one city to another to seekfortune.Nowadays people in cities are consisted of migrate workers from rural areas,collegegraduates in pursuit of their dreams, businessmen across the country and the local. Giventhe fact that people from different regions have different subcultures,people tend to rejectpeople with different backgrounds.Besides,as people are more interested in making money,they are more likely to conflict in interest.No wonder that circle of confidants has shrunkdramatically and the number of people with whom to discuss important matters has spirallyincreased.
Secondly,while people are able to benefit from the advancement of new technologies, theyare likely to depend more upon technologies instead of friends. Communication technologiessuch as the Internet and phones let people stay in contact with other people who are fromremote areas, and spend time on the phone and the Internet communications instead ofdealing with people face to face. Network games have gained their popularity to such anextent that many spend most of their spare time in playing network games and hencetheybecome apathetic to have a good time with friends face to face. That face time seems morelikely to develop friendships.
As a result,the reduced face time would translate into a loose network between friends.Insum,urbanization has reduced the intimacy between human beings and makes them less likelyto make friends than in the past and the advancement of modern technology also makes peoplemore apathetic by reducing face-to-face contact with friends.I hope people can regain theintimacy between friends as before.
新東方考博英語范文:Should Traditional Chinese Etiquette Be Taught in Class
Throughout most of China’s long history,therelationships between people were based on carefullyprescribed forms of behavior,that is,etiquette.Learning and following etiquette is soimportant that people are always judged by howclosely they follow these rules of behaviors.For thosewho do not follow those prescribed rules of conduct,they are regarded as uncivilizedbarbarians.
However,as China has been increasingly entangled in the global village,many Chinese people,especially the young,have lost some traditions because of the influences of Western cultures.According to a famous professor,the majority of Chinese college students have not hadsystematic training on traditional Chinese etiquette. As for me, traditional etiquette shouldbe taught in class.
Firstly, if college students can receive a systematic education in traditional etiquette inclass,they can get more prepared for the future. As is known,college students usually havelearnt some traditional etiquette through daily interaction with friends and relatives,but theprocess is time-consuming. They have to be sensitive enough to observe other people’sbehaviors and then know what proper behaviors in different social situations are. Sometimesthe learning process is by trial and error. They can only form right behaviors after breaking therules of conduct and being corrected by the costly consequence. If they have already taken asystematic etiquette course in college,they can follow proper etiquette and have a moreguaranteed future.
Secondly, as these meticulous rules of conduct have been formed throughout Chinesehistory,they are unique Chinese characteristics and are inseparable to Chinese culture.Withthe advent of globalization ,western culture is so influential that many young people often lookto Western customs and etiquette as being fashionable. For example, nowadays most youngwomen in China would like to wear western-style white dresses and veils at wedding whiletraditional Chinese weddings feature red gowns for brides and white is an absolute taboo. Inthe long term,if the trend to adopt western etiquette can not be curbed,the Chinesegenerations in the future will lose their cultural identity.
Furthermore, the extinction of Chinese etiquette will be to the detriment of the diversity ofglobal culture. To some extent,the course can serve to arouse college students’ cultural prideand help to preserve and further develop Chinese culture. In conclusion,taking traditionalChinese etiquette in college will not only make graduates more prepared for their future,butalso can constitute an important measure for college studentsto form Chinese culturalidentity and therefore to preserve Chinese tradition and further develop it.
新東方考博英語范文:Are Nowadays College Graduates Not as Competentas Before
As an economic rule goes, when supply outweighsdemand,the price decreases. The same seems truefor the current situation for college graduates. Since1999, the central government has implemented theGrand College Enrollment Plan, with the total numberof college graduates on the increase in the followingyears. But the boomed economy does not provide enough jobs for those graduates coming outat a time. Therefore, many people reason that college graduates are not as competent asbefore for many of them have difficulties in finding jobs. But I disagree with this conclusion.
Firstly, admittedly, there are some college graduates who are not competent, but thesestudents can not represent all the students. Due to the Grand College Enrollment Plan, moreand more high school students have access to the higher education. Inevitably, the standardhas been lowered; otherwise, university can notadmit so many applicants. While those smartstudents in high schools are more likely to have excellent performance, other not-so-goodstudents would have difficulties in college learning. As a result, those graduates with badperformance in college can not demonstrate the value of higher learning to the society andhence they gradually form the incompetent image of college graduates.
Secondly, those who hold this negative opinion do not take the social context intoconsideration. As is known, in the period when China carried out planned economic policies,college graduates did not need to worry about their jobs, for “iron-bowls” waited for them aftergraduation. But after the reform of higher education, college graduates have to find jobs forthemselves. When hundreds of thousands of graduates compete for a limited number of jobvacancies, there are inevitably many who can not procure ideal jobs.
Besides, employment is always influenced by global and national economy. When economyslows down, the corporate world would not recruit as many employees as before. Forexample, in 2009, many college graduates, from both prestigious universities and less-knownuniversities, have difficulties in hunting jobs. In this sense, it is not college graduates that areincompetent, instead, it is the social context that is unfavorable to college graduates.