Hanna: So, next week I have to do a debate in my finance class.
Diego: Oh, really, what is your debate about?
Hanna: Our debate topic is about whether we should teach finance to kids, so things likeinvestment and the stock market. Things like tax.
Diego: OK, and what do you think about the topic?
Hanna: I think it is really important that kids learn about things like this, particularly in oursociety these days, where literally everything revolves around money. I mean, even when you'refourteen or fifteen, you go out and get a job and you have to start doing things like paying tax,and I mean, you're gonna have savings, and you can invest that if you wanted to and turn thatinto more money, so even when you're really young I think it is important to know this kind ofinformation.
Diego: But don't you think that there's a lot of consequences when you're burdening kids from... what was it — middle school, high school with financial responsibilities? I mean kids are kidsafter all. Shouldn't they be playing around ... going to the park instead of worrying about thestock market crashing in Europe or in the states?
Hanna: Well, they don't have to worry about the stock market crashing, but I think it is goodif just they know a little bit of information about it.
Diego: But if they have all the information every time there's a drop in GE stocks, they'regoing to flip out and you know, they won't be able to sleep and you're giving kids too much toworry about in an age they shouldn't be worrying about these things. It is after all they'reparents' responsibility to worry about these things, and eventually it's going to be their turnbut I think it's just giving them something before they have to worry about it.
Hanna: So you think junior high school's too early to start to start teaching kids about this kindof stuff?
Diego: I think so. Yeah. Especially when you're making it because they have to takeresponsibility of their own money considering the fact that they don't even have an income.
Hanna: What if they do have an income?
Diego: Well, theire income would be like five dollars an hour, so I don't think they'll beinvesting anything of that.
Hanna: Well, you never know.
Diego: Maybe.
Todd: Well, what about clothes? Like, are you a brand name person?
Melissa: No, not at all. That's not my style.
Todd: Yeah, so what determines your style? What influences you?
Melissa: Well, what I do when I go shopping. I usually have something in mind that I want tobuy, so either a certain color or just a certain item of clothing and then I look around at all thedifferent shops and compare the best prices and things like that, and then I'll buy the onethat's the best deal and I'll feel really good about it.
Todd: So for your style, do you look around and also you say, "Oh, I like what that person'swearing. I wanna dress this style" or do you just think, you have your own style and you don'tcare if it fits into a mold.
Melissa: I think it's a mix. I think that sometimes I'll see something that someone's wearingand I'll like it or want something similar and then of course that mixes in with things I alreadyhave, but I also like to make my own clothes, and remake clothes and things and things likethat, so sometimes I'll remake something and realize that I need a sweater or something to gowith it and then I'll just buy it based on something else I already have.
Todd: Oh, so you make your own clothes.
Melissa: Yeah, I don't do it from scratch a lot. Sometimes I'll go to a craft store and buyfabric and then cut it up and make a shirt from fabric, but often take a shirt or pants I alreadyhave and make into something. Like, I recently was living with a couple of roommates and myroommate was getting rid of all her old jeans so I cut her jeans up and cut a sweater up I hadand then I made it into a jacket.
Todd: Oh, nice.
Melissa: Yeah.
Todd: And you still have it.
托德:現(xiàn)在你還在穿 。
Melissa: Totally. I wear it all time.
Todd: Cool. Alright, well, thanks Melissa.
Melissa: No problem.