


時間: 韋彥867 分享



  P: How do I take the tablets?這種藥片怎么服?

  N: Please take 2 tablets each time, 4 times a day.1次2片,1d4次。

  P: How do It take the sucking lozenges?這種含片怎么服?

  N: Please put one under your tongue, don't swallow it.請放在舌頭底下,不要往下咽。

  P: How do I take the liquid medicine?這種水劑藥怎么服?

  N: Please suck it.請喝下去。

  P: How do I take the pills?這種丸藥怎么服?

  N: Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it.服前請將藥丸放在水中溶化。

  P: How do I take the syrup?這種糖怎么服?

  N: One teaspoonful, 3 times a day.每天3次,每次一勺。

  P: How do I take the drugs?這種藥怎么服?

  N: One line (half a line) 3 times a day. Shake it well before taking it.每天3次,每次一(半)格。服前先搖勻。

  P: How do I take the pain-killers?這種鎮(zhèn)痛藥怎么服?

  N: Take do I tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not more than once every 4 hours.假如你感到疼痛,就服用1片止痛片,但每2次必須間隔4h以上。

  P: How do I use this suppository?這種栓劑怎樣用?

  N: Insert one into your anus (vagina) every night.每晚塞一個在肛門內(nèi)(陰道內(nèi))

  P: How do I use this adhesive?這種膏藥怎么使用?

  N: This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every 2 days.這些膏藥是鎮(zhèn)痛的,帖在疼痛部位,每隔2d更換1次。

  P: How do I use this lotion?這種藥膏怎么使用?

  N: Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin.取一些藥膏,把它反復(fù)涂在皮膚上

  P: How do I use this lotion?這種洗劑怎么用?

  N: paint this lotion to the itching spot with this cotton swab.用棉簽把它涂到癢處即可。

  P: How do I use this powder?那這種藥粉怎么用呢?

  N: Please dissolve the powder in hot water. Soak your hand (foot) in it for 20 minutes twice a day.把它溶化在熱水里,把你的手(腳)浸在里面20min,每天2次。

  P: How do I use the eye-drop and ointment?這種滴眼劑和眼藥膏怎么用?

  N: Put the eye-drop into your right eye 4-6 times a day, 1 to 2 drops each time. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.把滴眼劑滴進你的右眼,每天4-6次,每1-2滴。每晚擠一點眼藥膏在你的眼皮里

  N: Bend your head back as far as possible and then drop some in the libse.盡量把頭往后仰,然后滴入鼻孔。

  P: How do I apply the ear drop?這滴耳劑怎么使用?

  N: Turn your head to the side, put 1 to 2 drops into your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.把頭側(cè)過去,滴1-2滴至耳內(nèi),再按耳屏幾秒鐘。

  P: How do I take these big pills?這么大的藥丸怎么吃?

  N: Chew and swallow the bits with water or put one in water to dissolve it. Remove the wax before taking it .咀嚼一下,并用水沖下,或者將藥丸溶化在水里。服用之前去掉外面的蠟皮。


  patient: Nurse, I don't think it fair.


  Nurse: What's so unfair that you are offended?


  P: I want to have crabs and they just don't give me . I know my time's limited. Some crabs won't ruin them. It’s me who brought them up , you know.


  N: Oh, my friend. I think you have wronged your children. They are, frankly speaking, the best children I have ever seen. It took them days running every where to get crabs for you and they even thought of trying another city. But It's Janaury and crabs are not seen this season. If I were you, I would feel quite satisfied. With such dutiful children, why bother with crabs?


  P: So you think I'm wrong ?


  N: Of course not . They said you really deserved the crabs and they felt sad when they failed.


  P: Oh, my poor children. Let's forget the crabs.



  Nurse: Can I help you?

  Patient: I’d like to see a doctor, please.

  Nurse: You need to sign in.

  Patient: I’d really just like to see one right away. I think it’s very serious.

  Nurse: Well, if it’s that serious, then you should be at an emergency room or an urgent care center.

  Patient: But this is the closest place to where I live.

  Nurse: Well, then you need to sign in, because there are other people who got here before you.

  Patient: I think that I should be pushed to the front of the queue.

  Nurse: I don’t see any visible signs of injury.

  Patient: Ah, no. I just feel really bad.

  Nurse: Well, I’m sorry to hear that and we’ll do everything we can to assist you in due time.

  Patient: I mean, I’m really sweating and I’ve got quite a fast pulse.

  Nurse: It looks like you ran here.

  Patient: I did. I was very worried.

  Nurse: The fact that you ran here is no indication that you’re injured.

  Patient: But my feet are very sore.

  Nurse: Also a symptom of running.

  Patient: I do actually have other symptoms.

  Nurse: Uhhh, go on.

  Patient: Well, I was feeling a little bit sad before I ran here.

  Nurse: Emotional distress is something for which you should consult a psychoanalyst(心理分析家).

  Patient: Great, I’d like to see one of those immediately.

  Nurse: Actually, this is a general practitioner’s office.

  Patient: Well, do you have anyone who’s friendly?

  Nurse: No.

  Patient: Any good listeners?

  Nurse: No.

  Patient: I’m starting to feel sad again.

  Nurse: You can tell me one reason why you’re sad, but then I’ll require you to put your name on the sign-in sheet.

  Patient: It’s my 30th birthday next week.

  Nurse: That doesn’t seem like something to be sad about.

  Patient: I feel like I’m getting very old.

  Nurse: Yes. You are getting old.

  Patient: Is it serious?

  Nurse: It’s terminal.

  Patient: I’m feeling so sad right now. I really think I ought to see a doctor.

  Nurse: I can give you the number to a suicide hotline.

  Patient: Yeah, maybe it’s better to end it all.

  Nurse: I called the hotline before and look at me now. I’m alive and I’m happy.

  Patient: What did they tell you?

  Nurse: They said we all die eventually, so you might as well get what you can out of everybody possible, while you can.





