A:I really hope to reach an agreement with you today that is suitable and beneficial for us both. I've thought through a lot of these details, and I hope we can have a chance to discuss them and resolve any differences this afternoon.
B:Let's get start. What kinds of things do you have in mind? If you let us know the requirements you have from the very beginning, we can work through each one until we can come to an agreement.
A:Firstly, we'd like to discuss a discounted price. If you can give us a discount of 7% on the high volumes orders, we can pay in 60 days.
B:Huh... I think 7% is little high that might be hard to do. How about this? We'll give you a discount of 4%, but you can have 90 days credits.
A:Well, that might be acceptable, if you handle the insurance fees.
B:No, you have to take care of the insurance. But we are willing to pay the half transport. Can you accept that?
A:We cover the insurance and half the transport fee, and only have a discount of 4%.
B:But you'll have 90 days to pay your bill and I'll tell you what... I'll also throw in the discount of 10% on your up front deposit.
A:Is there any way we could get a better warranty on this product?
B:Well, I can't give you a better warranty, if you would be willing to agree to an annual contract.
A:That might not be ideal because there would be some drawbacks to an annual contract situation that might make it difficult to sell to our buyers. What about free delivery? If we make a large enough order, could you waive the deliver fee?
B:Yes, our delivery fee could be waived, if you make an order of 50 units or more. We would have to insist on the annual contract, however. I understand it's not the most convenient for you. Perhaps we could shorten it to a sixth month contract if you are willing to take a lower rebate.
A:That would be fine. We could accept a lower rebate.
A:We've got a problem...it looks like we'll need more spotlights on the exhibition booth. The client thinks it's too dark,and they want to add halogen lighting. We've already got 3 sets of track lighting from you guys,do you think you could help us out and throw in some halogens?
B:Oh...Um...I don't think so. you know the halogen lighting is much more expensive than your track lighting system. Plus I'm going to have to call in some guys to install it for you. That's not going to come cheap.
A:But it would only be adding to the existing structure. We're not talking about anything new here...
B:It doesn't matter because we will still have to call the electrician out, and they are union labor. It'll cost you a pretty penny....
A:How much do you think it would cost?
B:Ummm,I estimate it'll run in the neighborhood of ....0 per light.
A:0per light?!That's ridiculous!It can't possibly be that expansive!
B:It is,I'll tell you why. We'll have to call in the electrician, he's going to charge overtime now because it's already 5PM, and it will probably take him an hour a light. Plus, the halogen lights take more electricity,so your electrical cost is going to be higher as well.
A:Can't you give me a break on this?We've already spent so much money on lighting,I hate to have to blow so much more on halogens.
B:No, that's the cost, and that's what it's going to cost us. We can't go in the hole with this. I am giving you my best price,so take it, or leave it.