teaching process
Here the author expounds the strategies for the determination of the teaching goal, the analysis of the teaching object and content, as well as the processing of the teaching content.
The process of teaching to carry on instructional activities changes with development of human civilization and technology widely used and programmed in current instruction.
In the process of teaching, it is important to select a suitable electrified education medium or group media and to combine it with traditional teaching methods.
It is essential for teaching materials in school teaching reform to choose media in order to improve the teaching and to optimize the teaching process.
By using pedagogy, educational psychology, theories of teaching as well as theories and methods of system science for the present study, the authors hold that P.
During the teaching process, examination is a must in teaching as the key means to assess students'academics, to improve teaching approaches, quality and administration.
Error analysis may be carried out in order to obtain information on common difficulties in language learning, as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials.
Thus it's necessary to set up such a system combined with teaching features of modern open distance education in the light of the main problems in teaching process.
I practiced some tactics of quizzing optimization in chemistry class of senior high school with related teaching contents and evaluations.
All teaching processes and design processes will be documented for future use by similar educational institutions.
The world is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I like to findgood questions that students must struggle to answer.
Others send students to teach at local primary and secondary schools; studentsteach lessons at local schools, videotape the classes and then bring the tapesback for evaluation with other students.
Textbook writing is form of teaching. As such, it has all the pluses and minuses ofteaching.
Liotta recommends using a camcorder to tape a few teaching sessions to identifyand try to eliminate any idiosyncrasies.
If there are none (and there usually are none), I summarize the instructions again,asking questions in the process.
And the process of preparing to teach effectively – not to mention the actual actof teaching – requires “retrieval” similar to what testing requires.
Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinking in images,but also inspiration thought and intuition thought during their teaching.
One of our goals is to encourage educators to make productive use of theInternet as a tool for teaching and learning.
But in the States I think students come to class to learn as much from each other as from the teacher, and so participation is viewed positively and seen as part of the unwritten contract.
Our final products with their perfect-bound spines and their color covers may situntouched on bookshelves for years as the very students who created them can’t even read them.
Used the multimedia teaching in the teaching process to have many traditionaleducations no merit, this article elaborated me for the sports multimedia teachingsome not mature opinion.
In the teaching process the teacher's teaching and the student's learning mustmaintain a dynamic balance that is realized by the feedback and control ofteaching information.
Any course contents of subject and its'teaching processes all contain moral educational function.
The teacher and student are the subjects of the teaching process.
We can achieve a sound effect of moral education through integrating it with our teaching contents in the teaching process.
How but chooses, applies good modernized the teaching media, enables themeffectively to serve for ours teaching process, also has become the questionwhich fellow teachers frequently must face.
The approaches to quick reaction in sense of hearing training and the methods tobe adopted in the teaching process to this end are disscussed.
Deeping teaching reform is an important task for school physical teaching at present. This essay probes into the design and practice of the best plan inphysical teaching process.
As a new type of teaching method, multimedia technique has been used more and more widely in teaching process.