


時間: 澤燕681 分享


  保險業(yè) The insurance industry

  保證重點支出 Ensure funding for priority areas

  補發(fā)拖欠的養(yǎng)老金 Clear up pension payments in arrears

  不良貸款 Non—performing loan

  層層轉包和違法分保 Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting

  城鄉(xiāng)信用社 Credit Cooperative in both urban and rural areas

  城鎮(zhèn)居民最低生活保障 A minimum standard of living for city residents

  城鎮(zhèn)職工醫(yī)療保險制度 The system of medical insurance for urban workers

  出口信貸 Export credit

  貸款質量 Loan quality

  貸款質量五級分類辦法 The five-category assets classification for bank loans

  防范和化解金融風險 Take precautions against and reduce financial risks

  防洪工程 Flood-prevention project

  非法外匯交易 Illegal foreign exchange transaction

  非貿易收匯 Foreign exchange earnings through non trade channels

  非銀行金融機構 Non-bank financial institutions

  費改稅 Transform administrative fees into taxes

  跟蹤審計 Follow-up auditing

  工程監(jiān)理制度 The monitoring system for projects

  國有資產安全 The safety of state-owned assets

  過度開墾 Excess reclamation

  合同管理制度 The contract system for governing projects

  機電產品 Electromechanical products

  積極的財政政策 Pro-active fiscal policy

  基本生活費 Basic allowances

  結售匯制度 The system of exchange settlement and sales

  解除勞動關系 Sever labor relations

  金融監(jiān)管責任制 The responsibility system for financial supervision

  經濟安全 Economic security

  靠擴大財政赤字搞建設 To increase the deficit to spend more on development

  擴大國內需求 The expansion of domestic demand

  拉動經濟增長 Fuel economic growth

  糧食倉庫 Grain depot

  糧食收儲企業(yè) Grain Collection and storage enterprise

  糧食收購資金實行封閉運行 Closed operation of grain purchase funds

  糧食銷售市場 Grain sales market

  劣質工程 Shoddy engineering

  亂收費、亂攤派、亂罰款 Arbitrary charges,fund-raising,quotas and fines

  融資渠道 Financing channels

  商業(yè)信貸原則 The principles for commercial credit

  社會保險機構 Social security institution

  失業(yè)保險金 Unemployment insurance benefits

  偷稅、騙稅、逃稅、抗稅 Tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal pay taxes

  外匯收支 Foreign exchange revenue and spending