名詞解釋:工作配偶(work spouse),是指男女同事間不會朝相戀或性關(guān)系方向發(fā)展的親密合作關(guān)系,可以說是柏拉圖式的某種情感溝通,這種異性間理性高效的攜手合作,共對職場風(fēng)雨,其實是上天賜予人類的一種珍貴的戰(zhàn)友情,一種可能和自己的配偶都未必如此合拍的關(guān)系,在美國很多“工作配偶”除了在事業(yè)上密切合作,私下也會聊一聊生活中的雞毛蒜皮,辦公室的人際關(guān)系,彼此親密無間,但通常都相處得很有分寸感,絕無曖昧?!∧阒涝趺从糜⒄Z表達嗎?
A work spouse is a co-worker, usually of the opposite sex, with whom one shares a special relationship, having bonds similar to those of a marriage, such as, confidences, loyalties, shared experiences, and a degree of honesty or openness.
The work spouse is a potentially key relationship when one's actual spouse or boy/girlfriend is not able to be there.
However, the relationship is often characterized as having the immediate intimacy of marriage without affection attached.
文中的work spouse就是“工作配偶”的意思,其中spouse作名詞,意為“配偶,夫或妻”,如:spouse visa(配偶簽證),需要指出的是,mate意為“配偶,伴侶”時,主要指動物,偶爾也可指人,如:The eagle mourned for his dead mate.(那只鷹為它死去的配偶傷心。)
第三段中的intimacy作名詞,意為“親近,親密關(guān)系”,如:a strange sense of intimacy(一種莫名的親切感)。