雪珠631由 分享
論 文 名 稱 | 中文 | 用“弗洛伊德口誤”來分析口誤產(chǎn)生的原因 | |||||
英文 | How Speech Errors Happen—From Freudian Slip | ||||||
學生姓名 | 林xxx | 專業(yè) | 英語 | 年級 | 20xx | ||
指導教師 | xx | 職稱 | 單位 | xxxx學院 | |||
畢業(yè)論文寫作時間 | 2014年 2 月 日至 2014 年 5 月 日 | ||||||
一、選題的意義及相關(guān)研究文獻綜述(選題背景) Rationale and Significance of the Proposed Study Speech errors wildly exist in our daily life. Sometimes speech errors make people embarrassed; even bring great negative effect and loss to the public even to state especially in weighty public occasion like TV news or political speaking. Cases that public figures have to apologize for his/her speech errors are common occurrence. Thus, knowing the cause of speech errors and keeping away from unnecessary error in speaking is important. There are large studies in speech errors overseas, comparatively less inland. However, most of the studies are based on second language acquisition and focus on language itself. This thesis analyzes from speech errors of mandarin of Chinese. | |||||||
二、研究的主要內(nèi)容(研究問題)、預期目標(工作假設(shè))以及可能遇到的困難 Problems to be Investigated 1. process of speech production 2. types classification of speech errors 3. causes of speech errors 4. ways to avoid or guide speech errors Aims and Objectives 1. Let people know more about the causes of speech errors and keep away from unnecessary speech errors in important occasion. 2. Have a certain contribution to domestic relative studies. Potential Difficulties 1. Existing data are limited. 2. Hard to collect new objective and representative data. | |||||||
三、擬采用的理論框架及/或研究方法、步驟 Theoretical Framework 1. Definition(speech errors) 2. Freud Slip 3. Effect of consciousness on speech Methodology Freud Slip gives a new analysis to speech errors, which is a new study angle born in 20 century. Basing on Freud Slip, this thesis analyzes from the angle of language production with cases to find out the cause of speech errors and explains how Freud Slip acts on it. | |||||||
四、論文提綱、總體時間安排與進度(階段性完成的任務(wù),以周計算) Outline 1 Introduction 1.1 Significance and Rationale 1.1.1 Influences of speech errors 1.1.2 Significance of study of speech errors and language production 1.1.3 Significance of Freud Slip 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research Methodology and Source of Data 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 2 Literature Review 2.1 Review on study of speech errors overeas 2.2 Review on study of speech errors inland 2.3 Review on Application of Freud Slip 2.4 Advancement and Weakness of the Existing Studies 3 Theoretical Framework 3.1 Definition 3.2 Main content of Freud Slip 3.3 Effect of consciousness on speech from Freud Slip 4 Language production 5 Case Analysis 5.1 The Study of types classification of speech errors 5.2 The Study of causes of speech errors 5.3 Ways to avoid or guide speech errors 5.4 Summary 6 Conclusion 6.1 Findings of the Research 6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 總體時間為16周(2013年2月開始計算) 進度: 第1-6周完成論文初稿; 第7-9周完成論文二稿; 第10-14周完成論文終稿; 第15-16周準備并完成論文答辯。 | |||||||
五、初期參考文獻(≥10,必須包括book及article) References 弗洛伊德(Freud). 日常生活心理病理學. 鄭希付譯. 臺灣: 臺灣知書房出版公司, 2000. 陳俊(Chen, Jun)、張艷輝(Zhang, Yanhui). 言語失誤的實驗研究與理論模型. 心理科學雜志 (3), 2008: 575-579. 陳秀(Chen, Xiu). 現(xiàn)代漢語口誤類型及其原因分析. 碩士論文. 華中師范大學, 2008. 姜美玉(Jiang, Meiyu). 漢語口誤研究. 博士論文. 中國社會科學院研究生院, 2001. 李婷婷(Li, Tingting). 漢語口誤的語用研究: 以電視直播節(jié)目中的口誤為例. 碩士論文. 四川外國語大學, 2013. 劉倩(Liu, Qian). 現(xiàn)代漢語口誤研究. 碩士論文. 東北師范大學, 2009. 沈家煊(Shen, Jiaxuan). 口誤類型. 中國語文 (1-6), 1992: 306-317. 楊鑫娟(Yang, Xinjuan). 言語交際中的口誤現(xiàn)象分析. 碩士論文. 山東師范大學, 2010. 張璐(Zhang, Lu). 試論內(nèi)部世界視角下的語言產(chǎn)生過程. 作家 (12), 2011: 175-176. 周曉林(Zhou, Xiaolin)、莊捷(Zhuang, Jie)、舒華(Shu, Hua). 言語產(chǎn)生研究的理論框架. 心理科學雜志 (1-6), 2001: 262-266. 周玉順(Zhou, Yushun). 淺談心理語言學對言語失誤的研究. 湖北廣播電視大學學報 (6), 2009: 108-109. | |||||||
六、指導教師意見 指導教師簽名: 年 月 日 | |||||||
七、學院論文評審委員會意見 蓋章 年 月 日 | |||||||