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時(shí)間: 楊杰1209 分享



  There's a man by the name of CaptainWilliam Swenson who recently was awarded the congressional Medal of Honor forhis actions on September 8, 2009.

  大名鼎鼎的威廉·斯文森隊(duì)長(zhǎng),他被國(guó)會(huì)授予榮譽(yù)獎(jiǎng)?wù)?,因?yàn)樗?009 年 9 月 8 日的英勇行為。

  On that day, a column of American andAfghan troops were making their way through a part of Afghanistan to helpprotect a group of government officials, a group of Afghan governmentofficials, who would be meeting with some local village elders.


  The column came under ambush, and wassurrounded on three sides, and amongst many other things, Captain Swenson wasrecognized for running into live fire to rescue the wounded and pull out thedead. One of the people he rescued was a sergeant, and he and a comrade weremaking their way to a medevac helicopter.


  And what was remarkable about this day is,by sheer coincidence, one of the medevac medics happened to have a GoPro cameraon his helmet and captured the whole scene on camera. It shows Captain Swensonand his comrade bringing this wounded soldier who had received a gunshot to theneck. They put him in the helicopter, and then you see Captain Swenson bendover and give him a kiss before he turns around to rescue more.


  I saw this, and I thought to myself, wheredo people like that come from? What is that? That is some deep, deep emotion,when you would want to do that.


  There's a love there, and I wanted to knowwhy is it that I don't have people that I work with like that? You know, in themilitary, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves sothat others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to peoplewho are willing tosacrifice others so that we may gain. We have it backwards. Right?


  So I asked myself, where do people likethis come from? And my initial conclusion was that they're just better people.That's why they're attracted to the military. These better people are attractedto this concept of service.


  But that's completely wrong. What I learnedwas that it's the environment, and if you get the environment right, everysingle one of us has the capacity to do these remarkable things, and moreimportantly, others have that capacity too.


  I've had the great honor of getting to meetsome of these, who we would call heroes, who have put themselves and put theirlives at risk to save others, and I asked them, "Why would you do it? Whydid you do it?" And they all say the same thing: "Because they wouldhave done it for me." It's this deep sense of trust and cooperation.


  So trust and cooperation are reallyimportant here. The problem with concepts of trust and cooperation is that theyare feelings, they are not instructions. I can't simply say to you, "Trustme," and you will. I can't simply instruct two people to cooperate, and theywill.It's not how it works. It's a feeling.


  So where does that feeling come from? Ifyou go back 50,000 years to the Paleolithic era, to the early days of Homosapiens, what we find is that the world was filled with danger, all of theseforces working very, very hard to kill us. Nothing personal. Whether it was theweather, lack of resources, maybe a saber-toothed tiger, all of these thingsworking to reduce our lifespan.


  And so we evolved into social animals,where we lived together and worked together in what I call a circle of safety,inside the tribe,where we felt like we belonged. And when we felt safe amongstour own, the natural reaction was trust and cooperation.


  There are inherent benefits to this. Itmeans I can fall asleep at night and trust that someone from within my tribewill watch for danger. If we don't trust each other, if I don't trust you, thatmeans you won't watch for danger. Bad system of survival.


  The modern day is exactly the same thing.The world is filled with danger, things that are trying to frustrate our livesor reduce our success, reduce our opportunity for success. It could be the upsand downs in the economy, the uncertainty of the stock market. It could be anew technology that rendersyour business model obsolete overnight.


  Or it could be your competition that issometimes trying to kill you. It's sometimes trying to put you out of business,but at the very minimum is working hard to frustrate your growth and steal yourbusiness from you. We have no control over these forces. These are a constant,and they're not going away.


  The only variable are the conditions insidethe organization, and that's where leadership matters,because it's the leaderthat sets the tone. When a leader makes the choice to put the safety and livesof the people inside the organization first, to sacrifice their comforts andsacrifice the tangible results, so that the people remain and feel safe andfeel like they belong, remarkable things happen.


  I was flying on a trip, and I was witnessto an incident where a passenger attempted to board before their number wascalled, and I watched the gate agent treat this man like he had broken the law,like a criminal. He was yelled at for attempting to board one group too soon.So I said something. I said, "Why do you have treat us like cattle? Whycan't you treat us like human beings?" And this is exactly what she saidto me.

  我曾乘飛機(jī)旅行,看到這樣一個(gè)事件,一位乘客想 提前登機(jī),我看到門(mén)衛(wèi)對(duì)待這個(gè)人像對(duì)待一個(gè)違法的罪犯。因?yàn)橄胩崆暗菣C(jī),那個(gè)人被大聲斥責(zé)。我于是說(shuō)了些話。我說(shuō):“你為什么把我們當(dāng)作牛來(lái)對(duì)待?你不能像對(duì)待人一樣對(duì)待我們嗎?”這是她回答我的原話。

  She said, "Sir, if I don't follow therules, I could get in trouble or lose my job." All she was telling me isthat she doesn't feel safe. All she was telling me is that she doesn't trusther leaders. The reason we like flying Southwest Airlines is not because theynecessarily hire better people. It's because they don't fear their leaders.


  You see, if the conditions are wrong, weare forced to expend our own time and energy to protect ourselves from eachother, and that inherently weakens the organization. When we feel safe insidethe organization, we will naturally combine our talents and our strengths andwork tirelessly to face the dangers outside and seize the opportunities.


  The closest analogy I can give to what agreat leader is, is like being a parent. If you think about what being a greatparent is, what do you want? What makes a great parent? We want to give ourchild opportunities, education, discipline them when necessary, all so thatthey can grow up and achieve morethan we could for ourselves.


  Great leaders want exactly the same thing.They want to provide their people opportunity, education, discipline whennecessary, build their self-confidence, give them the opportunity to try andfail, all so that they could achieve more than we could ever imagine forourselves.

  偉大的領(lǐng)袖也是這樣的。他們想為團(tuán)隊(duì)成員提供機(jī)會(huì)、 教育,以及必要的訓(xùn)誡,幫助他們建立自信,給他們嘗試和犯錯(cuò)的機(jī)會(huì),為了他們可以獲得超出我們想象的成就。

  Charlie Kim, who's the CEO of a companycalled Next Jump in New York City, a tech company, he makes the point that ifyou had hard times in your family, would you ever consider laying off one ofyour children? We would never do it. Then why do we consider laying off peopleinside our organization?Charlie implemented a policy of lifetime employment.

  查理·金,紐約一家叫做Next Jump的科技公司的CEO,他指出,如果你的家庭遇到困難,你會(huì)考慮犧牲你自己的一個(gè)孩子嗎? 我們絕不會(huì)這樣做。但為什么我們要考慮在我們的組織中裁員呢?查理采用了終生雇傭制度。

  If you get a job at Next Jump, you cannotget fired for performance issues. In fact, if you have issues, they will coachyou and they will give you support, just like we would with one of our childrenwho happens to come home with a C from school. It's the complete opposite.

  如果你在Next Jump獲得了工作,你不會(huì)因?yàn)楸憩F(xiàn)不好被開(kāi)除。實(shí)際上,如果你有問(wèn)題,他們會(huì)訓(xùn)練你,并給你支持,就像我們對(duì)待帶著一個(gè)等級(jí)C回家的孩子一樣。這是完全不同的方式。

  This is the reason so many people have sucha visceral hatred, anger, at some of these banking CEOswith theirdisproportionate salaries and bonus structures. It's not the numbers. It's thatthey have violated the very definition of leadership.


  They have violated this deep-seated socialcontract. We know that they allowed their people to be sacrificed so they couldprotect their own interests, or worse, they sacrificed their people to protecttheir own interests.


  This is what so offends us, not thenumbers. Would anybody be offended if we gave a $150 million bonus to Gandhi?How about a $250 million bonus to Mother Teresa? Do we have an issue with that?None at all. None at all. Great leaders would never sacrifice the people tosave the numbers. They would sooner sacrifice the numbers to save the people.

  這是讓我們感到被冒犯的原因,不是薪水。會(huì)有人因?yàn)槲覀兘o甘地 1.5 億美元的獎(jiǎng)金而覺(jué)得被冒犯么?會(huì)有人因?yàn)榻o特蕾莎修女2.5億美元的獎(jiǎng)金被激怒么?我們會(huì)對(duì)這感到不愉快么?絕對(duì)不會(huì)。絕對(duì)不會(huì)。偉大的領(lǐng)袖絕不會(huì)犧牲人民去拯救數(shù)字。他們會(huì)立即犧牲數(shù)字去拯救人民。

  Bob Chapman, who runs a large manufacturingcompany in the Midwest called Barry-Wehmiller, in 2008 was hit very hard by therecession, and they lost 30 percent of their orders overnight. Now in a largemanufacturing company, this is a big deal, and they could no longer affordtheir labor pool. They needed to save 10 million dollars.

  鮑勃·查普曼,在中東經(jīng)營(yíng) 一家大型生產(chǎn)工廠,叫Barry-Wehmiller,2008年受經(jīng)濟(jì)蕭條嚴(yán)重的打擊,他們一夜間喪失30% 的訂單。對(duì)于一個(gè)大的生產(chǎn)公司來(lái)說(shuō),這是非常嚴(yán)重的,他們不再有能力支付人員工資,他們需要省出 1000 萬(wàn)美元。

  So, like so many companies today, the boardgot together and discussed layoffs. And Bob refused. You see, Bob doesn'tbelieve in head counts. Bob believes in heart counts, and it's much moredifficult to simply reduce the heart count. And so they came up with a furloughprogram.


  Every employee, from secretary to CEO, wasrequired to take four weeks of unpaid vacation. They could take it any timethey wanted, and they did not have to take it consecutively. But it was how Bobannounced the program that mattered so much.


  He said, it's better that we should allsuffer a little than any of us should have to suffer a lot, and morale went up.They saved 20 million dollars, and most importantly, as would be expected, whenthe people feel safe and protected by the leadership in the organization, thenatural reaction is to trust and cooperate.

  他說(shuō),我們大家都犧牲一點(diǎn),比完全犧牲我們其中的任何人,要好得多。員工的斗志上來(lái)了。他們省下了 2 千萬(wàn)美元,最重要的,也在預(yù)料之中的是,當(dāng)人們感到安全,感到被領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力保護(hù)的時(shí)候,人們自然的反應(yīng)就是信任與合作。

  And quite spontaneously, nobodyexpected,people started trading with each other. Those who could afford it morewould trade with those who could afford it less. People would take five weeksso that somebody else only had to take three.


  Leadership is a choice. It is not a rank. Iknow many people at the seniormost levels of organizations who are absolutelynot leaders. They are authorities, and we do what they say because they haveauthority over us, but we would not follow them. And I know many people who areat the bottoms of organizationswho have no authority and they are absolutelyleaders, and this is because they have chosen to look afterthe person to theleft of them, and they have chosen to look after the person to the right ofthem. This is what a leader is.


  I heard a story of some Marines who wereout in theater, and as is the Marine custom, the officer ate last,and he lethis men eat first, and when they were done, there was no food left for him. Andwhen they went back out in the field, his men brought him some of their food sothat he may eat, because that's what happens. We call them leaders because theygo first.


  We call them leaders because they take therisk before anybody else does. We call them leaders because they will choose tosacrifice so that their people may be safe and protected and so their peoplemay gain, and when we do, the natural responseis that our people will sacrificefor us.


  They will give us their blood and sweat andtears to see that their leader's vision comes to life, and when we ask them,"Why would you do that? Why would you give your blood and sweat and tearsfor that person?" they all say the same thing: "Because they wouldhave done it for me." And isn't that the organization we would all like towork in?Thank you very much.





  1.三個(gè)和尚沒(méi)水吃的根源在于方丈不懂head account和組織機(jī)構(gòu)優(yōu)化。









