1.想知道一個人愛不愛你,就看他和你在一起有沒有活力,開不開心,有就是愛,沒有就是不愛。want to know a man love not love you, just to see him with you have vitality, open unhappy, have is love, no is not love。
2.孤獨是一種情調(diào)比浪漫更可靠。loneliness is a kind of emotional appeal more reliable than romance。
3.戀愛,有時分,是一件令人沉淪的任務(wù),所謂明智和決計,不外是好笑的自我撫慰的措辭。love, there is time, is a destruction of tasks, the so-called smart and determined, is funny self soothing words。
4.把愛情比做海之藍(lán)色,因為它寬廣清晰透明,永遠(yuǎn)都不會褪色。love than the sea is blue, because it is broad, clear, transparent, will never fade。
5.緣起緣滅,緣濃緣淡,不是我們能控制的,我們能做到的,是在因緣際會的時候好好的珍惜那短暫的時光。origin edge, edge thick edge light, not we can control, we can do, is thoroughly cherish when karma that short time。
6.愛并不是花蔭下的甜言,不是桃花源中的密語,不是輕綿的眼淚,更不是死硬的強迫,愛是建立在共同的基礎(chǔ)上的。love, is not under huayin sweetness is not peach garden in the secret language, not light cotton tears, more is not hardcore forced, love is built on the basis of common。
7.愛情本來并不復(fù)雜,來來去去不過三個字,不是我愛你,我恨你,便是算了吧。你好嗎?love was not complex, come and go but three words, not i love you, i hate you, is to forget it。 how are you?
8.也許愛情本就是如此,互相深愛著對方,卻又彼此折磨,折磨依舊,只因為愛仍在延續(xù)。maybe love this is so, deeply in love with each other, but each other torture, torture is still, just because love is continuing。
9.愛情使有些鳥顯出它們身上最美麗的顏色,使誠實的心靈表現(xiàn)出最高尚的成分。love makes some birds show them is the most beautiful colour, make honest heart showed the best ingredients。
10.學(xué)會用理解的,欣賞的眼光去看對方,而不是以自以為是的關(guān)心去管對方。learn to understand and appreciate the vision to see each other, not in order to opinionated care to pipe each other。
11.如果以后你會不經(jīng)意地想起我,請別忘記我曾那樣深深地愛過你……if later you will inadvertently think of me, please don't forget i was so deeply loved you……
12.如果不愛他的父母同志和朋友,他就永遠(yuǎn)不會愛他所選來作他妻子的那個女人。if does not love his parents, comrades and friends, he will never love the woman he selected for his wife。
13.一見鐘情是唯一真誠的愛情;稍有猶豫便就不然了。it was love at first sight is the only true love; a slight hesitation is otherwise。
14.我才不著急進(jìn)入更高一級的戀愛呢,我連三年級的功課都不想做。i don't try so hard to enter a higher level of love, i don't want to do homework three grade。
15.記憶可以剝離出心底的溫暖,讓歌聲只剩悲涼。memory can strip away the warmth of the heart, leaving only sad songs
16.如果有一天你不愛我了,我不會纏著你,但你要好好愛下一個人!if one day you don't love me, i won't pester you, but you have to love the next person!
17.要相信,這句話。再轟轟烈烈的愛侶,也比不上平平淡淡的父母。believe that no matter how vigorous a lover is, he can't compare with his plain parents
18.我堅信,沒有什么能夠阻擋得了愛情。i firmly believe that nothing can stop love
19.我們都是迷失的孩子,看得清別人的路,卻看不清自己的路。we are all lost children we can see the way of others, but not our own
20.如果,你給我的和給別人的一樣,那我寧愿不要了。if you give me the same as you give others, then i would rather not
21.用微笑來釋懷過去的點滴,這是我留給自己最好的回憶。with a smile to let go of the past, this is the best memory i have left for myself
22.寶貝兒,只要你幸福,我就幸福,不管你在誰的身邊。baby, as long as you are happy, i will be happy, no matter who you are by
23.待我了無牽掛,許你浪跡天涯。treat me without concern, let you wander around the world
24.雨洗刷不掉我對你的思念,風(fēng)吹走不掉我對你的愛戀。the rain can't wash away my missing for you, and the wind can't blow away my love for you
25.我以為一切不曾改變,后來時間久了,只剩下我在原點。i thought everything had not changed, and then for a long time, i was left at the origin
26.你的故事,文字里沒有我,我又能怎樣。what can i do without me in your story?
27.你說的我都懂,可憐我也深陷其中。i understand everything you say, and i am deeply involved in it
28.陪你校服到婚紗,一起步入殿堂,嫁最愛的人。accompany your school uniform to the wedding dress, walk into the palace together, marry your favorite person
29.你是一場盛大的夢,夢醒了我能怪誰。you are a grand dream who can i blame when i wake up?
30.我愛的人我要親手給她幸福別人我不放心。i love the person i want to personally give her happiness, others i do not trust
31.我不再愛你的時候,也許不是我不愛你,只是,我已不能再愛你了。when i no longer love you, maybe it's not that i don't love you, but that i can't love you anymore
32.看不透的那些畫面,一直都發(fā)生在我背后。those pictures that i can't see through have always happened behind me
33.淋過雨的空氣,疲倦了的傷心,我記憶里的童話已經(jīng)慢慢的融化。through the rain air, tired and sad, the fairy tales in my memory have slowly melted
34.愛情是風(fēng)花雪月的事,失意的人是玩不起的。love is a matter of wind and snow, frustrated people can not play
35.幸福就是一覺醒來,外面依然陽光燦爛。happiness is waking up and the sun is still shining outside
36.你還夢不夢,你還痛不痛?;貞涍@么重,你怎么背的動。you still have no dreams, you still have no pain memories are so heavy, how do you carry them?
37.愛情到最后,不是比誰更出色,而是看誰最后能留在你身邊。in the end, love is not better than who, but who can stay with you in the end
38.想起當(dāng)初相見,似天旋地轉(zhuǎn),當(dāng)意念改變,如過眼云煙think of the first meeting, it seems that the sky turns around, when the idea changes, such as passing through the clouds and smoke
39.我們一直忘了搭一座橋,到對方的心底睡一睡。we have always forgotten to build a bridge and go to sleep in each other's heart
40.我不貪心。我只有一個小小的愿望:生命中永遠(yuǎn)有你。i am not greedy i have only one small wish: you will always be in my life
41.幸福是一種心理狀態(tài)。它不流于表面,而是存于你的內(nèi)心。happiness is a state of mind it does not flow on the surface, but in your heart
42.在悲傷里尋找光明,奈何這個世界太冷,冷的心都結(jié)了冰。look for light in sorrow, but the world is too cold, cold hearts are frozen
43.愛上一個人不是由你決定的,而是由心決定你的愛情。falling in love with someone is not determined by you, but by your heart
44.再多舍不得,再多難過,我都狠得下心說放得下。no matter how reluctant or sad i am, i can say that i can rest assured
45.你若看見我的詩,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)我對你的思念。if you see my poems, you will find that i miss you
46.曾經(jīng)你是我的所有,一度陪在我左右。once you were everything to me, once you were around me
47.我的幸福,就是和你溫暖的過一輩子。my happiness is to have a warm life with you
48.何必站在回憶里不肯出去,陽光還再外面等著你。why don't you stand in your memory and refuse to go out? the sunshine is waiting for you outside
49.我假裝無所謂,告訴我自己,我那么的堅強,我可以承受一切的!i pretend to be indifferent, tell myself, i am so strong, i can bear everything!
50.你給我的愛,直到世界的盡頭都還存在。the love you gave me still exists till the end of the world