3. 邀請參加新廠開工典禮 Invitation to opening ceremony of new factory
Dear [Mr. Harrison]:
Our new factory will be commencing production on [April 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.
As you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. We are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.
Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
Yours faithfully,
4. 邀請演講 Inviting someone to address a meeting/ D: B4 z0 `( d2 x. A, }
祝賀信的寫作格式可以比照一般書信的格式。即通常有信頭、信內(nèi)地址、稱呼、正文、結(jié)尾 語、 簽名等幾個部分組成。但這里需要說明的是根據(jù)親疏關(guān)系的不同,有些祝賀信是可以隨意一 些的。比如信內(nèi)地址有時可以省略,而信頭也大體可以寫的簡略一些。除此之外寫祝賀信的 時候還應(yīng)該注意以下一些內(nèi)容。
贊美對方切實做到實事求是,恰如其分,不要故意拔高,甚至獻媚,以至無法起到應(yīng)有的表 示祝賀的目的。
祝賀信要做到整潔、大方,用詞要恰當、簡練,篇幅不宜太長。寫祝賀信時,所用信封和 信紙都要經(jīng)過認真選擇,不能隨意對付。
Dear Mr/Ms,
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National
Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations.
May the trade connections between our countries continue
to develop with each passing day!
Yours faithfully